In the "Earth’s Treasures" gallery on the second floor of the Royal Ontario Museum, inside the small room at the back, there is a very small but very beautiful blue diamond ring in the cabinet on the left wall. There are also some small diamonds surrounding this triangular blue diamond.
The color of a diamond is determined by the chemical elements inside it. If it is blue, it needs boron. Then the question comes. Boron is only found near the surface of the earth, while diamonds are generally formed 150 to 200 kilometers underground. Blue diamonds need to be formed 410 to 660 kilometers underground, which is several times deeper than ordinary diamonds.
Scientists believe that the boron was sent so deep underground when the Earth's tectonic plates moved.
You might think this gem is too small. The largest blue diamond in the world is called "Hope". It has been accompanied by murders and robberies since its appearance. It is a famous diamond of doom. So it’s better to be small.